Using A Title Loan Can Help Pay For Urgent Expenses
When urgent expenses arise, it can feel like all hope is lost. However, you can turn to a title loan from us at Southwest Title Loans to help you out. By allowing you to borrow money quickly, these loans give you a safe, convenient way to get the cash you need to satisfy medical bills, veterinary fees, and other emergencies. Keep reading this article to learn more about the type of emergencies this loan can help you out with.
What Urgent Expenses Can Title Loans Fund?
When it comes to getting a title loan, can help you handle many different urgent expenses. These expenses are things that can get worse as time goes on if left unpaid. This means this loan was not designed to help with frivolous purchases.
With this loan, you can get up to $15,000 by just using your vehicle’s lien-free title as collateral. Even if you don’t get the full amount, you can still get quite a bit of money to help! Here are a few emergencies where a title loan can help you out.
1. Medical Bills
Accidents or sudden hospital stays can be really expensive, even if you have health insurance. These urgent expenses are perhaps the most stressful, as people's loved ones – or even themselves – are affected. Title loans, however, can take some of the financial strain away. Whether that's funding the deductible or dealing with the entire $10,000 medical bill, title loans from us are a convenient option.
2. Veterinary Fees
Like humans, pets sometimes require medical attention. The average vet cost depends on the type of pet and the severity of the issue, of course. However, just like a medical bill, you can guarantee the vet visit won't be cheap, especially when your pet requires care outside of usual vet clinic hours.
Even if you have pet insurance, you'll still be expected to pay for some of the treatment. Therefore, you may need to find money from your title loan to fund it.
3. Home Repairs
Perhaps some of the most expensive urgent expenses you'll come across are home repairs. This is especially true if the damage to your home comes out of the clear blue sky or after a particularly bad storm happens.
Luckily, a title loan can help you pay for them quickly before they get worse. Some of the most common emergency home issues that require immediate fixing are the following:
- Broken windows — They aren't just unsightly; they're dangerous. From the evident home security issue to glass shards that could cause serious injury, broken windows need fixing as soon as possible to secure your property and family.
- Damaged/leaky roof — Cracked flashing, missing tiles, cracked vent booting, and other roof problems can lead to a myriad of costly problems, like mold, fire, and general damage. Plus, fixing small problems is much less expensive than changing the entire roof!
- Burst pipe — Plumbing problems can run from DIY fixes to major repairs. Burst pipes, however, are definitely in the latter category. Whether it's due to freezing or corrosion, you need to turn off the water supply and get on the phone to a plumber. Unfortunately, it's expensive, but title loans from us are a safe, convenient option.
- Pest damage — Mice, insects, and other pests can wreak havoc on your home (e.g., chewing electrical wires, or ruining structural beams). If you find any damage, you need to get a professional to help sort out the problem.
- Water heater issues — Faulty valves, broken heating elements, sediment buildup, and other problems can plague your water heater. And sadly, this necessary bit of kit (especially in the cold season) is expensive to fix.
- Furnace defects — Even if you maintain your furnace properly, it can suddenly stop producing heat at just the wrong moment. To stop spending your nights shivering, you'll need to get it fixed.
4. Vehicle Breakdowns
If you're planning to borrow from a title loan, you'll need to ensure you use a different vehicle. Why? Because we evaluate how much we can lend you based on the value of your vehicle — and a broken car isn't worth as much as an intact one. However, if your secondary vehicle has broken down, the repairs can still be costly. So, you can use your primary vehicle for the title loan to help you repair the other.
Get A Title Loan From Southwest Title Loans Right Now!
You now know exactly how a title loan can help you pay for urgent expenses. As long as you use the title loan for emergencies, this loan can be a big help to you. With that in mind, if you've reached the point of requiring this loan, it isn’t difficult to learn more about this loan and begin the process. Once you are ready to begin, all you have to do is go to our website and fill out the online form right now to get started!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.