Services To Look Out For While Looking For A Local Title Loan Company
Nowadays, there are plenty of companies out there that offer loans, so finding the right title loan company can be challenging. You want to be sure you are choosing the right company to handle your finances.
What kind of things should you be looking at when deciding how to choose a title loan lender? Should the company be fast? Should it be transparent? Are there any additional services they can be offered to make the process even more convenient? Keep reading this article to find out!
How To Choose A Title Loan Lender And What To Look For In A Title Loan Company
Great Title Loan Services
The first thing you’d look at is the kind of service the company offers. A good lender would help you find the right loan for your specific situation and personal finance. The loan representatives should also be able to provide you with amazing title loan services and treat you with respect along the way. And, that is exactly what you get when you see us at Southwest Title Loans.
One way to find out if customer satisfaction is the main priority of a loan company is to go through the reviews. If you find repeat customers or customers who leave a positive review, it is a good indication that this lender is trustworthy. And we’ve made this easy, we show you Google reviews left by actual customers right at the bottom of our website!
Fast And Efficient Funding
No matter how good the title loan services are, if they can’t provide you with the quick money you need, it's pointless. A good local title loan company should show an interest in helping and be able to give you a response quickly. When you come to Southwest Title Loans, we know you need a quick response and that's exactly what we provide.
Our entire in-person process should only be about 30 minutes. If you are approved for fast title loans, you could get the money – up to as much as $15,000 – on the same day or the next day. Just be sure to have the required items ready to avoid any delays. These requirements include your vehicle, car title, and valid state-issued ID.
If the loan representative at the company you choose is not willing to answer your questions, then the company is not to be trusted. Trustworthy lenders have nothing to hide and would never ask you to lie or sign blank papers.
Furthermore, the company should be transparent about its loan terms. When it comes to us, for example, we are very transparent about the fact that we hold onto your title and not your vehicle while you repay the loan. Once the loan is paid in full you will get your title back.
Convenient Process
The three different services mentioned above are more of a ‘must haves’ that you need to look for, as no personal finance expert would want to deal with a lender that is not transparent and does not offer great service and fast funding. However, some companies take it to the next level by offering a ‘we come to you’ service.
This additional perk allows you to pick an alternate location where you’d want to meet with the verification agent instead of having to come to a nearby store. Typically, lenders that offer online title loans have such a service, like us at Southwest Title Loans.
With us, you wouldn’t have to waste your time getting to one of our nearest store locations – even though we do have plenty of locations throughout Arizona. Our representatives will come to you to inspect your car, determine how much we can lend to you, determine if you qualify for approval, and help you complete the document-signing process.
How To Apply For Fast Title Loans
By now, you should know what to look for in a reputable loan company to help you get your loan on your car’s title. You should also know that we here at Southwest Title Loans work hard to fit the bill of what a good loan lender should be.
All that is left is for you to learn about our quick approval process! Applying for a loan with us at Southwest Title Loans is as easy as can be, only requiring you to go through a few steps. And for those who struggle with credit issues, don't worry, all credit types are welcome to apply and can still be approved for a vehicle title loan.
Those who are ready to apply, follow the steps below:
- Fill out the online form on our website to send us your basic information quickly.
- You will soon receive a call from a knowledgeable representative from the nearest store, whether you need to find an auto title loan lender in Phoenix or Mesa, AZ, or anywhere in between. The expert will answer your questions and set up your vehicle inspection.
- Bring your vehicle, ID, and lien-free title to the meeting. The representative will quickly inspect your car, review the documents, find out if you qualify, and determine the loan amount.
- If you agree with the terms of the agreement, you will be asked to sign the final papers.
- Once you’re done, you’ll receive a cash payment on the money you're approved to borrow the following bank business day or, in some cases, the very same day.
Take Out A Title Loan With Southwest Title Loans Today!
Finding a local title loan company that is right for you can be tough, especially when doing it on your own. If you don’t want to spend hours searching for a reputable lender yourself, when wondering how to choose a title loan lender, use this list to make sure you pick the right local title loan company!
If you choose us at Southwest Title Loans, we will work hard to help you get the cash you need. So don’t wait any longer, complete the online form right now to get the help you need today!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.