8 Top Personal Finance Books For Money Management
Money management can be a difficult topic to learn. In fact, the entire financial topic can be difficult to navigate – especially if you’re new to the topic. However, if you have personal finance books, it can make the topic much easier for you to understand and actually put into practice. These eight books listed below make learning about finances simple for everyone and will motivate you to improve your financial situation. So if you need help with better money management, keep reading this article!
Read The 8 Best Personal Finance Books For Money Management Right Now!
1. Psychology Of Money By Morgan Housel
Written by Morgan Housel, this is a great book to start getting into the genre. Psychology of Money is a Sunday Times Bestseller that delves into the imperative nature of your behavior toward and with money. It's packed with eye-opening life lessons through 19 short stories that will help change the way you currently think about and handle your money.
It's about money management, but it’s written in a way that doesn’t feel like you are reading a financial book because it doesn’t just focus on the mathematical side of finances; it humanizes your finances and puts them into real life situations. Thus, it's perfect if you're starting to get into the genre for the first time or are just starting to learn about their finances.
2. A Random Walk Down Wall Street By Burton G. Malkiel
Are you just getting started on contributing to your 401(k) or are you focused on retiring? Well then this is the book to help you navigate! Written by Burton G. Malkiel, This newest edition is considered an investing bible among those who are seriously considering retirement or those who are starting to learn about investing their money and all of their options.
It's unlike other books about investments, offering a broader picture of the entire environment in easy-to-understand terminology, instead of focusing immediately on the miniscule details. It offers helpful information about topics such as cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and tax-loss harvesting. It can make navigating investment seem much easier for those who are just getting started.
3. The Money Book For The Young, Fabulous, & Broke By Suze Orman
Written for millennials struggling with life's financial trials, this money management book takes you through everything from student debt to the housing market. You'll receive actionable advice to help plan for the future. This book will give you solutions to the common financial problems millennials face right now. These solutions are things that seem reachable, as opposed to solutions that just seem not possible to reach at all.
4. What They Don't Teach You About Money By Claer Barrett
The world of mortgages, pensions, investment accounts, credit cards, ISAs, and other financial topics can be tricky to navigate, particularly since we weren't taught about it in school. This book bridges that gaping hole in your knowledge. Claer Barrett includes personal anecdotes between sharing lessons about shares and financial independence.
She goes through our emotional relationship with money and what is at the very heart of forming our financial habits. She also shares seven ways to transform how we manage our money for good. It's a must-read if you want to feel more confident about your monetary climate and finally start fixing your financial habits and your relationship with money.
5. The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack The Code To Wealth And Live Rich For A Lifetime By MJ Demarco
Written by MJ DeMarco, this book shuns the "get rich slow" adage, accelerating readers into the tempting worlds of wealth, creation, and entrepreneurship. This book says it will get you to a place where you are financially free – meaning you no longer have to depend on making a budget or not spending your money frivolously. So, if you're looking to break free from your 9-to-5 and finally reach financial freedom, this is the book for you.
6. Financial Freedom: A Proven Path To All The Money You Will Ever Need By Grant Sabatier
Despite what the title may suggest, Financial Freedom is more than a money saving guide; it's about how you can generate wealth quickly to achieve the life you want. Sabatier's philosophy is deep-rooted in the fact that acquiring financial independence isn't solely reserved for the distant future — it can be fast-tracked, provided you follow a few smart strategies.
It goes against the notion that you need to work a 9 to 5 job in order to get money, that you need to pinch pennies, and that you can only retire at the age of 65. In this day and age, everybody could benefit from this book. However, you'll get the most from it if you want an in-depth guide to living the life you want and getting rapid financial liberation.
7. The Financial Diet: A Total Beginner's Guide To Getting Good With Money By Chelsea Fagan And Lauren Ver Hage
The Financial Diet is the handbook for the financial basics — budgeting, investing, and achieving balance. Both authors share tips in an engaging, eye-catching way to guarantee your journey toward monetary literacy is fun and informative. Whether you are dealing with student loan debt or trying to live on your paycheck, there is something for you in this book.
They ask experts to weigh in on topics such as how to handle your money properly in a year, how to have a budget-friendly kitchen, how to talk about money even when it feels uncomfortable, and what it means to invest your money. This book is perfect for those who aren’t interested in personal finances or are completely new to the subject and don’t know where to start.
8. What To Do With Your Money When Crisis Hits: A Survival Guide By Michelle Singletary
The last on our list of personal finance books you need to read is written by Michelle Singletary. In this book, she covers money management and how to deal with emergencies in a question-and-answer style, delivering actionable, authoritative, straightforward answers. Whether you read it entirely or find the section you need and read through it, you're reading this book the right way. It's the only financial survival guide you'll need when the going gets tough.
What If You Have An Actual Emergency? Let Our Loans Help You!
While these personal finance books can help you navigate your finances, they won’t be much help if you have an emergency that needs your attention now. And if you don’t already have an emergency fund, you might feel like this emergency is making money management impossible. However, you can come see us at Southwest Title Loans for registration loans or title loans to help you out!
Either of these loans can get you the money you need to handle your emergency expenses. With a registration loan, you use your vehicle’s registration as collateral. With a title loan, you are using your vehicle’s lien-free title as collateral. In either case, you get to keep your vehicle while you are repaying the loan. Plus, each of our loans comes with a simple process and short required items list. Visit our website right now to learn more about our loans!
Grab Your Personal Finance Book And Start Learning About Your Finances Now!
Learning about money management and finances in general doesn’t have to be complicated when you have one of these eight personal finance books to help you out. Take advantage of the content these writers have provided and navigate your finances with ease. And if you are hit with an urgent expense and don’t have the money to handle it, come to Southwest Title Loans. We can help you get a title loan or a registration loan. Fill out our quick and stress-free online form now to begin!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.