The Simple Way To Pay A Speeding Ticket Before It's Too Late
Were you just stopped by those blue flashlights behind your car on a highway? Perhaps you were convicted of a violation and are now looking for a simple way to get rid of that speeding ticket.
Speeding tickets typically occur at the least favorable times. No one considers speeding fines when budgeting for monthly expenses, but unpaid traffic tickets can result in severe penalties and repercussions. Nevertheless, even if you don't have the cash on hand to pay a speeding ticket, there are a few ways you can go about it.
This article discusses the options available to you to pay a speeding ticket, as well as the potential consequences of neglecting one.
The Possible Consequences Of An Unpaid Speeding Ticket
Before we get into the what’s and whatnots, let us first lay out the consequences you might face for an unpaid speeding ticket.
Increased Fine
In most cases, the fine you pay will rise if you are unable to pay for a speeding ticket by the given deadline or appear in court. The amount by which the fine will increase will depend on several factors. However, the more time you wait, the more you will be charged.
Revoked License
A driver's license may be suspended if traffic tickets are not paid for within a specified period of time. The suspension period then keeps lengthening based on missed payment deadlines.
Criminal Charges
In many jurisdictions, unpaid traffic fines can lead to misdemeanor charges if you receive a court notice. When you fail to show up in court as required, the court may issue an FTA. The court may also charge you with an infraction for nonpayment, in addition to a misdemeanor.
Arrest Warrant
In certain instances, failure to appear in court or payment of the fine can lead to the judge issuing a warrant of arrest for the driver.
7 Ways To Deal With A Speeding Ticket
Waiting to pay a speeding ticket will do no good for you. So, here are several options you can consider if you were just charged with one:
1. Take It To Court
Request a trial if you genuinely think you are not at fault or if you think you can make a strong case.
On the date specified on your citation, you must attend court and request a trial. You may also contact the court prior to these dates to make your request.
2. Request Mitigation
Some courts run traffic violation mitigation initiatives. If you choose this option, you must admit that you exceeded the speed limit. However, mitigation also allows you to clarify the circumstances surrounding the violation. Perhaps you were driving too quickly to rush your sick child to the hospital.
3. Pay In Installments
When drivers require extra time to pay their fines, judges are typically very accommodating. If you confess to the violation but require additional time to pay, monthly installment plans are available. In general, these installment plans are also quite adaptable.
4. Traffic School
Many courts provide drivers who finish traffic school with a decrement or expulsion of minor violations. Typically, information about traffic school is available on the website of the traffic court. Alternatively, you may contact the court clerk by phone or visit the court in person.
5. Request Community Service
Explaining your circumstances to the judge may convince him or her to reduce the fine or substitute community service for a monetary fine. Most traffic judges are quite lenient when it comes to reducing fines in exchange for community service hours and will do so for nearly everyone who appears in court.
6. Pay The Fine
If nothing else works out, paying the fine in time is in your best interest. It is the quickest method of getting a speeding ticket off your back and saving yourself from any further trouble. However, if money is tight at the moment, you could consider borrowing from a friend or taking out some kind of loan to pay a speeding ticket.
7. Get A Title Loan
Taking out a vehicle loan may be an option to consider in the event of a speeding ticket when no other alternative works out and you are required to pay the fine. However, what if you do not yet own your vehicle outright? Well, worry not because registration loans by Southwest Title Loans may be just what you need.
With a simple application and verification process, you could get your hands on $200 to $1,500, depending on your credit history, in as little as 30 minutes.
What You Need
- A driving license or ID
- Your vehicle registration documents
- Your active checking account statement
- A legitimate social security number
Registration Loan Process
- Fill out a brief online registration loan form.
- Get in touch with a loan representative who will walk you through the rest of the process.
- Visit your nearest Southwest Title Loans store.
- Bring the required documentation for verification.
- On approval, you will receive your money as soon as the same day.
Final Thoughts
There are some severe penalties for not paying for a speeding ticket. Thus, if you are stuck with a parking ticket, stop delaying it and take some action. If a registration loan is something you’re considering, don’t forget to check out Southwest Title Loans’ plans. Fill out the online form and get started now!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.