What To Know About A Mesa Title Loan
Getting a Mesa title loan can be a daunting prospect for anyone. There are many things to take into consideration and you may get conflicting information if you do your own research. That's why we're going to talk about everything you need to know about getting a title loan in Mesa, Arizona here today.
What To Know About Title Loans In Mesa, Arizona
First off, it's important to understand what a Mesa title loan is. This is a secured type of loan where the borrower puts up collateral that the lender can take if you don't meet your loan obligations. In this case, the collateral a borrower puts up is the title to their car: more specifically, their legal ownership of it.
With a Mesa title loan, you keep your car while you are paying off the loan. But if you default on it, you surrender ownership of your car to the lender so they can recoup their financial losses. But as long as you make your payments on time, you don't have to worry about anything like that.
As for how much money you can get from a Mesa title loan, that depends on the value of the vehicle that you put up as collateral.
How Is The Value Of My Car Determined?
There are two main factors that contribute to the value of your vehicle when putting it up as collateral for a title loan in Mesa, Arizona. The most important thing is the condition of the vehicle. Obviously, a car in poor shape isn't going to be worth as much, just like if you were trying to sell it somewhere.
This extends to all aspects of its condition, from the paint job to the functionality of the actual components. Either way, the better the condition of the car, the more it will be valued when it comes to a Mesa title loan.
The second factor is the age of the vehicle. You probably know that the resale value of a car generally goes down the older it is. So, if you have an older car, it generally won't be worth as much if you put it up as collateral for a title loan, even if it is in good shape.
The only exception to this would be if you have a "classic" car that's age would make it a collector's time. Such cars are old, but considered vintage, and are thus worth a good deal of money.
Either way, the amount of money you can get from a title loan in Mesa, Arizona mostly depends on these two factors. A newer car in better condition is going to get you a bigger loan, while an older car in poor condition will get you less (or none, if it's in such bad shape that it isn't considered of any value at all).
What Do You Need To Apply For A Mesa Title Loan?
If you want to apply for a title loan, you don't actually need much in order to do so. In fact, you only need three things:
- A state-issued ID, such as a driver's license
- A lien-free title to your vehicle
- Your vehicle
Obviously, you need an ID so the lender can know your identity. You need your vehicle so it can be inspected, which allows a lender to determine how much your car is worth. As for the title, it needs to be lien-free and in your name.
That means that, first, the vehicle needs to be owned by you. You can't still be paying it off, and it can't be a company vehicle that you drive. It must be your legal vehicle. You also can't have any outstanding loans against it. That just means you can't be using that vehicle as collateral for any other loan in order to apply for a new one.
Getting A Loan With Southwest Title Loans
So, if you've determined by now that a title loan is a good fit for your needs, Southwest Title Loans has you covered. Our application process is quick and easy for everyone. As long as you have the items mentioned in the previous section, you can apply with ease.
First, fill out the inquiry form here on our website. After you submit it, one of our loan representatives will contact you via phone as soon as possible. They will determine a time and place to meet with you. At that meeting, they will verify your documents and inspect your vehicle to determine if you qualify for the loan and how much.
If you are approved for the loan, you can get your money either that day or the following business day. The process is truly simple and efficient. So, if you are in need of a Mesa title loan online, call us as soon as you're ready! We'll help you get the money you need quickly and easily!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.