How Giving Puts You Into The Holiday Spirit
No matter your beliefs, most agree that a holiday spirit is connected to giving. Lately, many of us have focused on giving in the sense of exchanging gifts with friends and family, but it truly extends beyond this.
Giving is about sharing your resources, including your time, with others who need it. It’s about making this season and the holiday stress that comes with it a little better for someone who has had a tough year, no matter your circumstances. Imagine the joy that would resonate this December if everyone made it their mission to make one person’s Christmas better.
Let’s see how that can be done.
5 Top Ways To Get Into The Holiday Spirit By Giving
To give you a clear idea of how giving puts you in the holiday spirit, we are going to dive into the 5 top ways we think it can be done.
1. Connecting With Others
To give, someone must receive, providing a direct connection with others. Few holidays are celebrated in solitude, so giving truly puts us at the center of what makes us human and gives us holiday spirit – being with others.
The connections you make with other givers and those you’re helping can surpass the holiday season. Many friends have been made between those who share with others in their time of need.
Examples: Help an elderly neighbor. Offer to go to the store for them, take out their trash, invite them over for the holidays, or simply ask them how their day is. This is a great way to connect with others and let someone know they are not alone in the world or forgotten.
2. Expressing Gratitude For What You Have
Expressing gratitude is something we can do every day, but often forget. It’s too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and take what we have for granted.
When we give to others, we see and hear expressions of gratitude in return. This offers an excellent moment to reflect and feel grateful for the little things – your home, food on the table, a working car, your free time, and so much more.
Example: Show your appreciation for not only the things you have but the support you have as well. If you have been blessed with a roof over your head and a hot meal on your table, show your gratitude by donating to those in need. If you can’t afford to donate money, that is okay, you can donate your time to help lift their spirits. Many places need help helping others, serving at a soup kitchen, or organizing a food or toy drive for the holidays.
3. Finding Your Purpose And Feeling A Sense Of Fulfillment Is A Gift In Itself
Humans have the natural desire to help others. Whether through charity work, volunteering, or financial assistance, there’s an undeniable good feeling that comes along with giving up your time or resources for a greater cause.
Unfortunately, for most of us, this sense of fulfillment is not easily found. Many of us have jobs that just about pay the bills and, apart from family, find little fulfillment in the monotony of day-to-day life. Giving lets us access this feeling and remember that we have a greater purpose in life that surpasses our routine.
Example: I doubt making a million is anyone’s purpose in life. While it may be nice to not worry about the day-to-day expenses or live from one paycheck to the next. It would make life easier financially, and even allow more money for charity, but not everyone can help with a gift box of money, and that’s okay. The simplest of gestures can make a world of difference in the lives of many. Hold the door for someone, compliment someone, you never know what they are going through. This is the ultimate gift and can provide you with a sense of fulfillment, and also be the best part of someone’s day or week!
4. Starting Your New Year Off Right With A Clean Slate And Good Spirits
Giving during the festive holidays also lets you ring in the new year positively. Instead of sticking to selfish motives, you humble yourself and show that others are just as important. While it may not right the wrongs of the year – hopefully, there aren’t many! – it’s a great way to start fresh with a new slate in 2023.
Example: Are you a teacher? Donate a few weeks out of the summer to tutor at a low-income school. Or maybe you’re a nurse? Put aside time in your day to check in on your neighbor who hasn’t been feeling well. Be selfless, and make time for others in the new year. But why wait until January, start now!
5. Appreciating The People In Your Life
Finally, giving allows you to appreciate the people in your life. Whether it’s by helping someone who may be alone in the world or by reflecting on how vital supportive parents, spouses, children, and friends are, living helps you realize the importance of those you see throughout the year.
Example: Say thank you! And mean it! Let others know they are appreciated and that they can count on you. Offer your support and listen.
How To Give To Others This Season
There are many ways to give back this holiday season. You could:
- Set up or donate to a food drive
- Volunteer your time
- Donate to a charity
- Donate your lightly used second-hand clothes – especially winter gear – to shelters
- Buy gifts or school supplies for children in need
- Make and mail holiday cards through a program like the Angel Card Project
How To Deal With A Financial Need This Winter
It may be hard to think about giving if you are financially pressed this winter, but there are opportunities to give back and receive financial assistance. If your finances are tight, donating your time is also a gift, especially by becoming a volunteer.
If you find yourself pushed into a corner financially and have an urgent bill that needs to be taken care of, Southwest Title Loans may be able to help. We offer title loans and registration loans for emergency holiday cash across Arizona.
Getting Emergency Cash This Christmas
Our title loans offer up to $15,000 with the use of your car title as collateral for the loan; you also get to keep your car as usual during repayment. You’ll need your I.D., vehicle, and the car’s lien-free title to start.
Registration loans are smaller loans that use your car registration as collateral. You do not have to own your car outright. You’ll need your I.D., a registration under your name, a bank account, and a U.S. Social Security number to qualify.
Get That Holiday Feeling And The Cash You Need Too!
Feeding our holiday spirit is important every year, especially when giving, reflecting, and being grateful for what we have. Use holiday giving to forge new friendships, reconnect with loved ones, consider all the good in your life, and feel a sense of purpose among the noise of life.
If you find it hard to give because you’re financially tight this year, remember that volunteering your time may be the best gift of all.
Plus, Southwest Title Loans is here if you need some help along the way to cover emergency costs before the year’s end. Just reach out through our online form or chat box today to learn more. Happy holidays!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.