How To Get Qualified For Car Title Loans In Tempe, AZ
If you need cash on short notice to deal with some time-sensitive problems, car title loans might be something worth looking into. If you need cash on short notice in Tempe, Arizona, then you might want to look into what Southwest Title Loans has to offer its potential borrowers.
Getting a car title loan is possibly an easier and more convenient procedure than getting a traditional loan with a bank or a credit union. There are no complicated bureaucratic hoops to jump through, nor long waiting periods.
As long as you satisfy the few qualifying requirements we have, you can get the cash the very same day you apply. Here’s what you need to know about qualifying for car title loans Tempe AZ.
What You’ll Need To Qualify For Car Title Loans Tempe, AZ
Qualifying for a car title loan with Southwest Title Loans isn’t all that hard as the qualifying requirements are few and flexible.
There are only a few items you need to have on you for car title loans Tempe AZ. Here is what you need in order to qualify:
- A driver’s license or valid state-issued photo ID to verify your identity and prove you’re over 18;
- Your car to be inspected, as the maximum loan amount you qualify for will be determined based on its value;
- The car’s lien-free title in your name to prove you outright own your car and to use as collateral for the loan.
Can I Still Qualify For Car Title Loans With Bad Credit?
Southwest Title Loans is open to potential borrowers of all credit types! Whether you have good credit, bad credit, or no credit at all to speak of – you still have all the chances to qualify for car title loans Tempe AZ.
While the loan representative may perform a credit check during your application, the results aren’t likely to render you ineligible, as long as the qualifying items meet the lender’s standards.
Am I Still Eligible For Car Title Loans If I’m Unemployed?
As title loans are secured loans and you’ll be putting up an asset – your car’s lien-free title – as collateral, we will have an easier time accommodating your situation!
One of the benefits of this security is that we don’t require that you have employment in order to qualify for car title loans Tempe AZ. So if that held you back, it no longer has to.
As long as you’ve got all the required items in order, you can qualify for the Tempe title loan even with irregular income – or even if you’re unemployed! Just sit down with us so we can go more in detail about paying the loan back.
Will Car Title Loans Tempe AZ Bring Down My Credit?
You don’t have to worry about your credit going down when you take out a vehicle title loan. If you decide to get a car title loan with Southwest Title Loans, you can rest assured it won’t have a negative impact on your credit score.
This is because Southwest Title Loans doesn’t report its loan information to any credit bureaus. Without the information being reported, it cannot impact your credit – negatively or positively.
Just remember that Southwest Title Loans won't report its loan information to any credit bureaus even upon the borrower’s request. And since unreported loan information cannot go on credit reports, your car title loan cannot be an exception.
Can I Get Title Loans Without Giving Up My Vehicle?
You don’t need to worry about giving your car up for the duration of the loan payoff when applying for a loan with Southwest Title Loans! We don’t require you to leave your car with us for the duration of the loan payoff. It’s the car title that stays with us as the collateral; the car stays with you, and you’re free to drive it around while paying the loan off.
Here’s How To Apply For Car Title Loans Tempe, AZ
First things first, get the required items – the state-issued ID or your driver’s license, your car, and your lien-free vehicle title in your name – in order. After that, getting through the car title loans Tempe AZ process with Southwest Title Loans shouldn’t be hard at all.
Start by filling out and submitting an online form on the website. The information from the form will be digitally sent to your nearest Tempe AZ store location, where a representative will get in touch with you via phone.
Take the required items to the meeting the representative sets up for you. They’ll need to inspect the car and assess the documents to determine if you qualify for the loan and how much you could qualify for.
If they decide you qualify, they’ll go over the loan terms in detail and help you finish some simple paperwork. Once everything is signed, you’ll get your cash!
Get Your Car Title Loan Today In Arizona
If you are facing an emergency expense you cannot handle alone, you are not the only one. We all go through emergencies we can’t pay for by ourselves. Turn to car title loans Tempe AZ today from Southwest Title Loans to get the help you need. Fill out the online form to get started when you are ready.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.