Read These 5 Tips Before You Get An Auto Title Loan
Auto title loans can be an effective way to get cash now when you need it most, but before you go running off to your nearest lender, it’s important to be aware of when you need a title loan and how to go about it. That’s why we’ve compiled our top 5 tips to consider before getting a title loan.
There’s a lot to consider before getting an auto title loan, but if you know how the process works, then you can ensure you’re handling the title of your car properly. The rest of this article will walk you through the top 5 tips for getting a title loan.
5 Auto Title Loan Tips
1. Understand When You Need A Loan
Not everyone needs an auto title loan, and it’s not advisable to get a loan if you can make ends meet by budgeting or paying off the bills yourself. Loans are best used to cover emergency expenses like medical bills or car breakdowns when you need immediate service but don’t have the cash on hand.
Always have a plan to pay your auto title loan off and make sure you’re familiar with the lender’s policies on Auto title loans.
2. Know The Process
Before you apply for an auto title loan, you should know how the process works. Title loans usually go up to $15,000 and require a valid form of id, title of your car, and a quick inspection of the quality of your vehicle.
You’ll need to own the title of your vehicle or still be making regular payments (registration loan). The representative will inspect your vehicle to determine if you qualify for approval. Later that day or the following business day, you’ll get your money.
3. Assess The Value Of Your Car
It’s important to do some quick math on the value of your car, including factors like make, model, age, and prior repairs, to see how much your title loan will be worth. If your car is in poor condition, then you might not be able to apply for an auto title loan, and installment loans might be a better option.
4. Find A Reputable Lender
A reputable lender is incredibly important when you get your title loan. You want to make sure that the company you’re lending from is transparent about its contractual obligations and lays out the terms and conditions of the contract for you.
5. Only Borrow What You Need
Last but not least, you should only borrow what you need in an auto title loan. While these loans use the title of your car as collateral, there are still fees associated with the transaction, which will be higher with a higher loan amount.
Don’t be tempted to take out a bigger loan just so you have extra cash on hand; rather, you should take out only what you need to pay your travel expenses, medical bills, or repair costs. If you find you have extra from the loan, it’s best to put aside that money into paying back the loan rather than spending it.
How Southwest Title Loans Can Help
Southwest Title Loans offers title loans of up to $15,000 with the in-person process not usually lasting longer than 30 minutes. All you’ll need is a valid form of I.D., the title to your vehicle, and the vehicle in question for a quick inspection.
Once the representative has determined that your vehicle is lien-free and suitable to approve you for a loan, you’ll get your money based on the value of your vehicle. Southwest Title Loans also offers registration loans from $200-$1,500, which can help if you’re still making payments on the vehicle.
You’ll need a valid I.D. such as a driver’s license or photo I.D., an active checking account that’s listed in your name, a motor vehicle registration assigned to you, and an appropriate social security number.
Registration loans tend to be more short-term and use your registration as collateral for when you need quick cash. Southwest Title Loans will check your credit, and your score may influence how much you can qualify for.
Get Started Today
Whether you need to pay off a bill, cover an unexpected loss of property, or just need extra cash to start your side hustle, Southwest Title Loans offers both title and registration loans to help you get back on track with your finances.
The in-person process usually takes less than an hour, and you’ll know pretty quickly whether you’re approved or not. The process is simple, streamlined, and effective so that you can use the money at your discretion as soon as possible. Call or schedule an appointment with Southwest Title Loans to get started today!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.